Where to Buy Water Kefir Grains in India?

If you ever wondered where you can buy water kefir grains in India? We’ve made it an easy choice for you. Our water kefir grains are big and healthy and ready to ferment your favourite drinks.

Once you get these water kefir grains, you can prepare delicious kefir water right in your home. These grains are activated and you can use them right away. In the below sections, we will explain the specifics of how to use water kefir.


Watch this video to see how to make kefir at home.

What is water kefir?

Water kefir grains are a special set of friendly bacteria colony that can ferment sugary liquid into a healthy probiotic. Our water grains come from South America. They are big and easy to manage. Just feed them some jaggery water every day, and it will give you a fizzy, soda-like drink.

Water kefir is a symbiotic culture of dozens of strains of bacteria and yeast. The microbes present in the grain maintains the stability of the culture through their symbiotic action, i.e. the bacteria dependent on each other for their survival. It is the same set of friendly bacteria you find in the human gut.

A scientific study also suggested these grains were first formed on the pad of a prickly pear, also known as Tibi in Mexico. The grains fed on the carbohydrates present in the leaves of the plant and the natives used it to ferment the juice of prickly pear.

Thanks to the tropical weather of our country. These grains can ferment a litre of drink within a day. Taking care of the grains is easy and takes little time.

How to use water kefir grains?

There are a dozen different water kefir grains in the world and each one is unique in its bacteria and yeast content. But they all can be used in roughly the same way. Feed them sweet water/juice and they will ferment it.

Making fermented water from water kefir is simple. Keep the water grains in a glass jar. Add three spoons of jaggery to chlorine-free water and dissolve it. Use the strainer and pour this sweet water into the kefir jar. Close the glass jar’s mouth either with a cloth or a lid. Leave it aside for a day.

Open after the 24 hours and you have fermented water ready. Use a nylon strainer to separate the grains from water and repeat.

The water collected below the strained is the delicious kefir water. You can drink it as it is, or ferment it more in a glass bottle, or use it to ferment fruits or veggies.


General guidelines to follow when using water kefir grains.

  1. If you are just starting, drink only one spoon of water kefir in a day. Follow this dosage guide for full instruction.
  2. You can add a flavour to your water kefir. Once you separate the water from the grains, put in a different glass bottle and add a piece of lemon or ginger to flavour it. Keep in the fridge for 2-3 days. Burp this bottle every day to release pressure. You can drink this up to a week by keeping in the fridge.
  3. Want to ferment veggies or fruits? It is easy. Collect the fermented water in a wide-mouthed glass jar. Add fruits or veggies you want to ferment into the jar. Close the jar’s mouth with clean cloth and set it aside for a week. After a week, drink all the fermented water and eat the left-over fruit/vegetable pieces.
  4. Instead of jaggery water, you can also use fruit juice. Always use fresh fruit juice and not a canned one.

Here is the list of acceptable sweeteners in the order of preference.

  1. Organic Jaggery (Brands like 24 Mantra, Namdhari, Jeevabhumi etc)
  2. Cane Sugar (Brownish sugar, free of chemicals)
  3. Coconut sugar
  4. Palm sugar
  5. Refined white sugar is not good for you or the grains. Avoid using them with water kefir grains.
  6. If you want to add extra minerals to your drink, add a spoon of blackstrap molasses.


Important warning about water grains

Do not use Stevia, Honey, Agave or any other sweeteners. Honey is a powerful antibacterial and may kill all the bacteria in your water kefir grains.

Why should you buy water kefir?

Water kefir is one of the easiest ways for you to increase your probiotic intake. It can be an easy part of your existing food habits. You can add a spoon of fermented water to your fruit juice every day and still get the benefit.

If you are recovering from a recent bacterial infection, drinking kefir water can help speed up your recovery. Kefir water is rich in helpful bacteria that can rebalance your gut.

When you drink a probiotic like kefir, these friendly microbes will travel through your intestine and strengthen your gut flora. A healthy gut increases your immunity and improves your nutrition absorption power.


By making one simple addition to your food, you can reap a multitude of health benefits.

Water kefir is vegan and good even for people with lactose intolerance. Almost anybody can drink it.

Advantages of buying water grains from Kefirwala

At Kefirwala, you get the best water grains in the country. Most water kefir sellers have one set of grains. But we have three separate kinds of grains. Depending on your specific requirements, we recommend the one that works best for you.

You also get a one-year free replacement if something goes wrong with your grain. Water Kefir grains are very sturdy. But sometimes an accident happen. You may spill your grains on the ground, or your jar may get contaminated by chlorine or other chemicals. In all such cases, you can come to us and collect a free replacement. Buy Water Kefir Grains from us and be safe.

How to buy water kefir grains?

Call us today and order your water kefir grains. You can also book a personal consultation and home demo if you feel you need more guidance.
